The Auglaize County Historical Society counts individuals, families, clubs, organizations,  and businesses as its members, all of whom are committed to preserving and sharing the history of our county.

The Historical Society operates through a Board of Trustees, volunteers who represent all corners of Auglaize County. The Board meets monthly, alternating meeting locations between Wapakoneta and St. Marys. The Board has also established several sub-committees (Collections or Buildings and Maintenance, for example) that meet at their own discretion; these committees include former trustees and interested volunteers as well.

Our current trustees are:

President: Sharon Schnell, New Bremen
Vice-President: Gerald Siesel, Wapakoneta
Treasurer: Molly Maxson-Klemenic, Wapakoneta
Secretary: Julie McCullough, New Knoxville
Administrator: Rachel Barber, Wapakoneta
Office (and Mailing Address):
206 West Main Street, Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895
Facebook: Auglaize County Historical Society
Trustees: Sandy Hunter, St. Marys

Mark Kinstle, Wapakoneta 

Jeremy Monroe, St. Marys

Scott Snethkamp, St. Marys